Friday, 16 December 2016

Good bye year

This week was was the end of the year and thank you for all of the comments that you have but on my blog this year it is cool that you have put comments on my blog here is so of the best work that I did this team  

Friday, 2 December 2016

Dirty borty ;

Summery? He is a little boy that had to eat veg balls and he got mad and he went on strike because they did not like to eat veg balls so they do not eat and then they all got into tarball and they had to eat all of the food so they but magics in to the food and then she gives up and they get what they wanted.

Image result for the book dirty bertie on strike

Bonus reflection

This time it was a bit hard but i did them both

reflection numeracy

This week we had to do coordinates  and it was a bit easy and I was one of the first people finished and it was a fun task to do we had to color in some of the sewers and make the into a randier. 

literacy reflection T4 T8.

This week for literacy I have been doing naughty or nice writing. We had to put on some Naughty or nice sentences for the Xmas work and it was a bit hard but it was fun.

Friday, 25 November 2016

Bones reflection

I got  a scorer of 100 and it is cool and i did good with my tipping and it is cool.

T4 W7 literacy reflection

This week we have been doing stuff on Christmas and it had to make a 12 day of Xmas and it was fun and it was fun.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Kiwi kids news Bonus

This week it was harder then what i thorn but I got 90 and I think it is cool.

numeracy reflection

This week we have been doing maps and it was fun and it was hard and but we did it.

reflection topic W6 T4

This week we have started and new topic and it is a passion project and it is cool because We have to make a kahoot and I have to make a game to and it is cool.

reflection literacy W6 T4

This week we have been doing what can you infer and we had to infer From what the pitchers looked like.
This week we did Earthquake and it was fun to writing about is and it was a big one to.

Friday, 11 November 2016

Kiwi kids news.

W5 T4 reflection literacy

this week for literacy We have been doing some thing called jungle disaster and there was waiting that had to wight a story on what code happen and what will happen next.

Word work W5 T4 literacy reflection

This week for word work I did completed a task on word work and it was fun and here is the stuff that I did on the goggle sheet hope you like all of the stuff that is on my blog.

reflection numeracy T4 W5

This week we have been doing more of the problem solving and I solved that Ice cream one and it was fun and the magic souses my WALT is. 

Friday, 4 November 2016

Tipping test and Kiwi kids news

I like the score that I got in both of my tests 

W4 T4 numeracy reflection

This week for numeracy we have been doing problem and we have had to answer a lot of stuff and some of them we hard and most of them were more better then what the look like and I lorn t how to answer more harder questions that I was not able to do before.

W4 T4 literacy reflection

This week we have been doing a lots of stuff and it was not easy but we did and we  did it and now we get to share it with all of you`s and here is all of the stuff that we did.

This is the partly cloudy work that we did we had to look at the video and then answer some questions and then we had to show the teacher and then mine was all good so here it is.

We did word work and we had to do an actives and it was fun and They are called poem and the other one is called backwards words here is most of the stuff that we did.

We did a new topic in or waiting and it is called myths and legends and we had to make a DLO of what a myth and a legend is and then we did a activate and we had to drew a pitcher of a animal that we made up and mine was called the monster unicorn shark with big teeth and it was fun and here is most of the stuff that we did.

Monster shark unicorn thin with weird teeth

Friday, 28 October 2016

W3 T4 reflection

This week we have been doing some stuff on and it was fun here it is hope you like it.

Kiwi kids news and tipping test


This week the school went to athletics and we had fun and we did high jump and then we did disks and it was fun and we did sprints and then we did long jump and it was so so fun and I got pretty far and it was fun and then we for high jump we had to jump over a pole that was set up on a thing that can go up and down and I got in to the second round and then it got to high and I was not abode to make and it was to hard for me and then we went and did sprints and i got 3th plays and we had more then seven people and I had fun and then we went to high jump and it was fun and it was fun I think I did good at all of the things.

Hope you liked it.

W3 T4 literacy reflection

This week we have been doing to we have had to but what was hipping like there was a cat never the vase and it fall of how did it. It was the cat because cats like to climb so it and the cat had skewer face so it was the cat that did it. Here is what I did.

W3 T4 reflection numeracy

This week we have been doing more on geometry and we have got more done and it looks better then last time here it the slide that we did and the other stuff hope you all like it. 

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

T4 W2 reflection

This week we have been doing stuff on stuff called splashil please for my family and I did speedway because it has been a speechl please for my family sins i was tow days old and you will see the other stuff on the the thing down below hop you like all of the stuff that I did .

Friday, 21 October 2016

Tipping test.

This week I have been doing tipping and i am getting better.

Friday, 14 October 2016

Tipping test and kiwi kids news

I am getting better at the tipping and it fells good.
I have been filling good because I have got more and more better the I was before

Friday, 23 September 2016

reflection t3 w9 numeracy

This week we have been doing  and ere pomander and we had to go in a group that got given to as by the teacher and the group was so anything but they more smarter then me and some people in me group and it was fun.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Term 3 reflection literacy.

This week were have been doing a book called the desk and it has a desk that is alive and and it scared  the kid and the teacher here is what it looks like.

Friday, 16 September 2016

reflection literacy w8 t3


This week for literacy we did how tadpole change and this is some of the stiff that we did I hop hop you like it because  I did when we made it.

Friday, 9 September 2016

Robot work

Image result for how to make a light out of a batteryThis week we had some man that shod as how to make a robot look at one of the things that he shod as have a good look at it 

You just have to get a light that look like the one that is on the photo and a batterer that is on the photo and then to have to put them together and it shod light up and it will look cool and there are more stuff like green red white orange.

We made some home made robots and it was fun and they were fun to make and they had a motor and they were the wells and and we had to put some wire in to the gaps and then one of the light teen on and when to put the other one in the other light will go on and it look cool and then it can start moving around and and the the man seed to as to put some declarations on it and then or class and as got to put or hand up on the on that we like the most  and we just abort won and we had 9 people that like are one and then there were anther gorp that got one more points then as so we were an lackey bat is was still fun.

St john

This week we went to st johns and we lint a lot of stuff but I new most of it because I am a st john cadet so I go to it every  Tuesday I think you shod do it to and we did some stuff like how to no it someone id going to have stroke of a hart a tack it was fun doing it and then we did some CPR and  I new all of the that stuff so I was a lot better then what i wood be if you do not no is.

last yer we did some doctor  ABC and it was hard because i did not do the cadets and is was not fun it was hard and I did my speech on doctor ABC have a look at my speech so you can lorn abort doctor ABC.

Image result for st john ambulance

literacy reflection t3 w7

This week we have been doing some Summarise and Sequence it was so fun and here is some of my work that I did hope you like it.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Goosebumps Horrorland.Welcome to camp slither

illustrated By R.L.shine


the book is about some kid that went to a camp and one of the kids said that they wood like to go to diert camp the the one the there Mum and Dad made them go on.

I think you shod read this book because is is a good fit book for you .

Friday, 2 September 2016

reflection week 6 t3 topic

This week we have been doing a new topic and it is how to explorer and we had to do a 5 reasons about why do they explore here is some of the work that we did.  

reflection literacy t3 week 6

This week we have been doing house hold stuff and i did a pedal bin here is the interactions this is what it look like. 

How does a pedal rubbish bin works

A rubbish bin is a place for old newspapers, bottles, cans and rubbish. The rubbish bin shape is round and it is sometimes silver. They can be big or small and it is a cylinder shape. It has a pedal that moves and a lid that opens. It is used to hold your rubbish.

reflection week 6 t3 numeracy

This week we have been doing a work book to show what we have been working on snits the start of t3  and this is the work that I have lorn t. 

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Boys rules pirate attack

Boys Rules

pirate attack 

Illustrated by Gas Gordon


There was same boys that they think they cold be pirates and they went and got on to there dads bot and they were thinking that it was moving and then there were two girls that started to throw some water boons and the they got wet and the the girls holed up a whit flag an the put a note up and it said do you wont some pennant batter sandwich.

Reflection literacy w5 t3


this week we have been doing a summery on a book called jump and I and we got to work with a friend and it was fun Here a some of it .

Reflection of this Term 2


this term we were making stuff for prep we made stretchy book marks , sling shots, dream catchers, bottle banks,  business, there are bunker, Warehouse,Police.


this Term we have dan same stuff like this
look at this


we have  been making stuff on Olympic  games and here is same stuff


For this week we have been doing stuff on Olympic game that start tomorrow here is some of my athletes that I did.

Doom Bunny and the Monster Catchers

Written and Illustrated by Loren Morris  

Summery There was a kid that needs a drink of milk and when he opined is the was a lot o monster that came out of the milk carton  and then there were some more kids that wonted to help and  the kids that were out getting the monsters

Friday, 26 August 2016

Reflection numeracy week 5 T3


This week we have be doing some fractions and we had to fill out here is some of the stuff that we did .

Friday, 19 August 2016

Reflection week 4 T3

Book week 2016 

This week we have been making stuff for book Carter n week and here are some of the stuff that we did hop you like it 

Door display

On tuesday we made a door display they  are Charley in the chocolate factory  we had to bring in some stuff like chocolate rapers and other stuff and we have made other BFG  and we had to bring mare stuff for that and stuff for positions

Book  carter day     

This week we have did some thing that we did some thing that you wood never think of like some kids came as army men and other stuff I came as I need a new bum and it was funny and my bather come as I have got a poo on my shew 

Monday, 15 August 2016

Reflection week 3 team 3 numeracy


This week we have been doing fractions and the is  WALT Convert improper and mixed fractions it was a bit hard and same The image is coming soon not finished

Reflection week 2 T3


This week we have been doing Olympics for topic and we had to make a Paralympics is was fun trying to find it all out it was a bit hard and not that hard.